Xanthoria Parietina: The Sunburst Lichen

Jenna Hissong
Feb 27, 2024

Xanthoria Parietina: The Sunburst Lichen is a sculpture I created in 2023 as a study of the lichen in Boulder, Colorado.

Sunburst Lichen survives, and often thrives, in pollution-rich environments. Little to no effect is shown on the lichen when exposed to extreme amounts of nitrogen and heavy metals.

In addition to its ability to withstand pollution, sunburst lichen offers valuable medicinal properties such as inhibiting the replication of human parainfluenza virus in vitro.

The nature of this lichen species demonstrates a commensalistic relationship between humans and lichen.

Although many human activities actively harm the environment, nature will find a way to adapt to, survive in, and reclaim its habitat.



Jenna Hissong

Artist in Boulder, Colorado. Recent graduate of University of Colorado, Boulder with a BFA in sculpture.